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Scientific Creativity in School
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Wednesday 29 August 2018, by
We become intelligent while seeking the truth. Our minds consciously or unconsciously search for answers to the questions they have asked themselves. We can even continue to seek his truth having forgotten the question which is the source. That is why it is essential, in order to learn, to satisfy one’s spirit.
To determine each student’s search for truth, it is the best philosophizing with them.While philosophizing scientifically of course, we check the assumptions made. The pupil, when he is philosopher, has got a responsibility. His ego is getting stronger. He can also learn creative activities, such as drawing, tinkering or writing. He will also be able to listen to music that makes him thinking about acting, like classical music. Creativity will be used, then, for the student, to not only gain his freedom, to get responsibilities, but also to grow his mind while going to his limits. Going to his limits allows the student to build a serene mind, because it’s more and more complete.
After the drawing, playing music will allow you to go to other out limits. One can easily determine one’s search for truth with the questions asked while philosophizing, or, for the best, with creative activities.
The truth’s research can trigger a passion. The student must be able to determine that interests him. If his mind thinks, he needs some activity to self-lead, other activities may be boring. It is for this simple reason that there are good and bad students. If the student awakens, passion can come easily, adapting to the student. Students are asked that they want philosophizing, then guided checking if the steps are over.
Grouping work is that enables good students learning to learn. Indeed the practice allows the best to learn. These good students will then become psychologists, to understand their comrades. The teacher will help the student to know the difference. We must not hesitate, then, to associate completely different students, by a collective game work. Understanding the opposites makes grow the fastest, still it is necessary to the student understanding it. Mixed classes where there is communication are the best.
Problems awakes consciences. The pupil must be able to self-determine with the problems he encounters. He must act to see if his reflections are growing him forward.
In kindergarten it is about awakening creativity to go to its limits. Citizenship strengthens their ego. Philosophy and politics allow for accountability. Philosophy helps to identify and create adult issues. The student becomes more responsible with each intervention, because his truth’s research leads him instead of slowing him down, if he suffers.
Later it will be about creating scientific reflection according to Plato. This reflection allows you to make wise choices. The scientific dialogue can enrich all those whom wear it and use it, including the one whom directs. In college, we specialize, with science and history of creativity, those boundaries of our best leaders. This creativity must be reused in everyday life.
It is an education system lead by creativity, driven by a productive industry, itself protected by a public currency, under citizen control, that the greatest scientists lead. There is no question of regressing, because the human can self-determine, if he allows himself to do that.
Listen to music that makes you thinking to act
Philosophizing in kindergarten
Learn Plato on wikibooks