Become a Genius Kid
Be creative !

Here are new answers to grow your creativity. After writing, it is about singing, conceiving around or playing accessible music, in order to flourish. When we create, we understand each other by our truth’s research. This book allows you to be interested about creativity, giving you the way to become or stay creative. You can then become more ingenious than an engineer, as interested and philosophical as an artist, as Plato conceived it.

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Creative Pedagogies
Creative Common by SA License
Article published on 1 November 2018

by Matthieu Giroux

What is creative pedagogy for?

A creative pedagogy is used to become rational, resourceful and psychologist. Freudian jobs, such as psychology or advertising and its surveys, are not useful for a rational and creative population. Indeed, Freud described the human as an animal. He even created the adolescence’s notion.

Johann Friedrich Herbart revolutionised the German school. He was no authoritarian. So he said that tact is to grow student measuring his passion, quickly or slowly. Humanist, he says the teacher must be passionate about his experiences to galvanize student. If the teacher is not passionate, he can read and write to understand Herbart.

Then the child likes toys that promote creativity. This was understood by the first woman doctor in Italy, Maria Montessori. Maria Montessori has managed to solve great learning difficulties, promoting her patients creativity.

A Montessori toy has an artistic, scientific, or industrial use. In other words, there are creative toys that can be found searching on Internet for "Montessori Toys". The Montessori methods teach science, senses, writing, botany, geometry, geography, etc., to children. It is about to explain to a child how to use the toy, so that he learns with his creativity. The child then gets a genius, with simple explanations from the parents, about using these creative toys.

The child then has no desire to go to entertainment’s games, because he knows that he galvanizes his imagination with inventive games. These games seem to be made for an elite, because Montessori schools are private. These private schools have created scientists or actors who now defend creativity, in the public and secular school.

The mums and the fleas, or empty lofts, allow you to easily appropriate these toys. Moms sell toys, which they see as creative, naming their website or a part : "Montessori Toys". You can also find typewriters, buckets, scales, manuals, and resistance’s books in garage-shops and empty lofts.

The manual scale galvanizes a child’s scientific creativity. The typewriter, reused in 2015, by the European secret services, can be easily restored or bought, if you manage to reload it in ink. The typewriter allows respecting words, in order to anticipate.

The best electronic pianos are the Yamaha 61 keys, for the beginning, Roland for the rendering and the touch, Korg for the computer. They can be used very early, to improvise, with a simple manual, according to the music that makes you thinking to act, improvising also. If one of the parents knows the notes’ usefulness, there’s no need for studies. Creating transforms mind. With music, you only have to learn a score, or improvise to create, with a musician who listens to us.

The Steiner pedagogy, a mind-oriented Croatian, is down to grow student’s personality. It undoubtedly allows the child to understand interest of industry and life. So we teach him to write late. He also learned to write very quickly, because his artistic and manual skills had been grown. The Steiner pedagogy is very interesting, so that the child understands that life is magic. Moreover, the religions are described methodically in it.

Freinet pedagogy was a very good example of creative pedagogy in the late 1950s. It was created by a French teacher of the first war, wanting to become simple relay, growing the pupil with learning. The other teachers then rented it, because they had seen that the school according to Jules Ferry had created fanatics.

The Freinet’s Pedagogy consisted, into classrooms up to 15 students, to understand student, so that he grows with his creativity, without necessarily needing notes. The child was asked, " what’s new ?", to create with him according to his truth’s research. On 2014, there is one Freinet public school per major city. But 30 pupils are in these classrooms average. This requires laws, included in the child’s creative learning. The child is allowed to go for others, against too common laws. Going against certain laws, in order to uphold a higher moral standard, can improve community with a judgment. A creative and fulfilling child, who is otherwise respected, must be able to talk with others, for his trust and others’, to be great with his classmates.

We ask, " what’s up ?"to the pupil, so that the teacher tells practical studies, answering to the children’s questions. They work into groups. However, some are individual, as they require the student to grow, depending on his interest and willingness to understand, sometimes taking a long time to understand themselves.

All these classes use creativity to learn, because learning is creating in your mind. Pedagogy was learning to learn using classes of 2000 pupils. To create is to adapt your environment to yourself. The builder then understands progress’ notion. His ego gets stronger more easily. He is ready to understand co-growth, because he knows that growing others grows himself. He becomes moral and engaged.

My Notes

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