Become a Genius Kid
Be creative !

Here are new answers to grow your creativity. After writing, it is about singing, conceiving around or playing accessible music, in order to flourish. When we create, we understand each other by our truth’s research. This book allows you to be interested about creativity, giving you the way to become or stay creative. You can then become more ingenious than an engineer, as interested and philosophical as an artist, as Plato conceived it.

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Matthieu GIROUX
(33) (0) 2 23 46 06 54 (France)

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From Group to Friendship
by Matthieu Giroux
on Saturday 16 February 2019

Lot of parents think their teenagers are turning rebellious. On one hand, the teenager thinks in 2018 that he will leave or move away from his family to look for work. On the other hand, the teenager certainly wants to show his originality, but above all to be in a group. So, it’s about having the right clothes, being able to do without parents, in order to be with buddies.
However, being in a group can sometimes require going against oneself. As long as the group goes in our way, we (...)